Time not money this year!!
This year we have devised a very unique "entry fee"!
Last year we asked for donations to be made to the Kalahari Wildlife Project (thank you everyone) but this year we are asking for your time instead...and not your money!
Through our non-profit organisation Pangolin.Africa we have devised a simple two part course where you can lear all bout the four African Pangolin species and what to do when you are lucky enough to encounter one in the wild. Once completed you will be come a Pangolin Guardian and qualify for free entry into this year's Pangolin Photo Challenge.
It takes less than 15 minutes to complete and we think your will find it incredibly interesting and worthwhile use of your time. To start the course please click here.
As soon as you become a Pangolin Guardian you will be
registered for The Pangolin Photo Challenge!
(Here is Toby to explain how it works!)

The great de-bait.
For those of you who have been following us for a while, you will know our stance on baiting in wildlife photography. On safari, we do not allow any form of baiting and so we will continue this stance in the Pangolin Photo Challenge too.
For clarification, we regard baiting as the placing of food in a location to specifically attract an animal to alter its behaviour. This applies to live and dead bait or any type of food (seeds, bread etc). This does not apply to permanent water sources that have become part of the animal's natural environment such as waterholes, ponds and birdbaths for example.
We hope you understand and appreciate our stance against baiting. If you suspect an image has been captured using bait then you are able to report it in the gallery section. We will then investigate and make a ruling.